We arrived in BNHS at 7:00 o'clock in the morning. As expected, our co-FS students are waiting for us because of their DTR that our little principal have held. Section Bubbly as usual was in their respective area, cleaning the assigned field. Since they don't have adviser yet, the students are waiting for their next subject while doing some stuff.

Grade 8 Bubbly's area to be clean every day before the classes start in the morning.

Commotion happened during recess time. One of the students who causes fight called a back up 
from the other section which is his friends.  Two boys in our section almost got into a fight. Good thing the teacher of their second subject came right away.

     The teacher immediately settled the two students before they became complicated. I've observed that it can be difficult to handle situations like this, especially with high school students, because there are students who do not listen to us during the commotion. Yes, maybe because we are not their teacher and are only observing the class, but it is our responsibility to protect the students, especially since they do not have a class adviser.  I'm scared of what had happened, because it was my first-time witnessed that kind of scenario. I was concerned that we would still be held accountable because we were present if anything happened to the student who was fighting. And throughout the commotion, as I was chastising the fighting students, I noticed that the students—especially the tall ones from other sections—were merely knocking into me and not paying attention to us. I consider this day as a challenging day for me. 


                                                     Grade 8 Bubbly


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